“Activa” Cybersecurity Program 2024
TADESAN has received acceptance of the Activa Cybersecurity advisory program funded by the Ministry of Industry.
This is a cybersecurity consultancy, this program helps companies protect the security of their systems against possible cyberattacks.
The advice will be provided through individualized meetings with the companies at their headquarters, technical audit and remote work of the specialized entity and the holding of thematic awareness workshops for the beneficiaries with the aim of reinforcing the importance of integrating Cybersecurity in his business strategy.
1.º Company cybersecurity diagnosis and audit. The service will begin with a prior diagnosis of the situation of the beneficiary SME and an internal analysis of the organization and the business. An initial assessment of the SME’s security risk will be obtained based on how it uses technology: email, website, tablets, smartphones, etc. Through the INCIBE Self-Diagnosis Tool of the “National Cybersecurity Institute”, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.
2.º Preparation of a Cybersecurity Plan. It will include the definition of the Plan’s actions, the quantification and, especially, the prioritization of cybersecurity opportunities, as well as an identification of the potential solutions that best adapt to the SME’s cybersecurity plan.
3.º Group workshop and closure of service provision. As a closing of the advice, the different ways available to undertake the digital transformation process, possible accompaniment, technological providers, financing sources, among others, will be identified and recommended.
More information in: https://www.eoi.es/es/empresas/programas-activa/activa-ciberseguridad